Monday, June 16, 2008

Isolation Drillcamp

Player...SHUN! (Stand at ATTENTION when your drill seargent is speaking to you!)

I hear you faggots aren't isolating anymore... I hear some of you complain that you never HOOK or you've got double A... Hell, I even hear some of you say that you are too SMOOTH for that... Well I'll tell you the only thing smooth about that is the CRACK up your ASS!

When you have opened, and IF you loosers even hook, YOU... WILL... ISOLATE! Heck, even if you DON'T hook, you WILL isolate! Go... for... i-so-lation! ALWAYS! No excuses!

I don't give a rats ass if you faggots don't know what you have to do AFTER you isolate, as long as you ISOLATE! I don't give a fuck if you girls are too afraid to even open, as long as you ISOLATE! And if you shitheads don't hook when you isolate, well, then TRY AGAIN until you make it or GET rejected!

You have TWO days to complete this task (that should be more than enough for your weekend leave), and if I hear you sacks of SHIT haven't isolated during the time alotted, you get ONE WEEK in the brig!

This is no bloody ISOLATION VACATION, you scumbags! Now get your asses out there and ISOLATE!


Oh.. And please leave a report about how it went at the HQ (yeah in the comments, dumbass).

* You isolate your target (i.e. the girl you want) by bringing her away from the set (i.e her friends) after you open. There are many ways to do this. In most cases you will want to bring her a short distance away from the set, and have her back turned to them so that she can't readily communicate with them (e.g. trough eye coding). When she can't see them, there is less social pressure on her, and thus she can become more "private" with you.

You may also bring her to an adjacent table, or to a dark corner to make out or to "show her something" (usually something comfort relatet like The Cube - but me, I just go for close). And yet another popular way to isolate is to "go out for some fresh air". If you get her that far, though, you might as well go for extraction (i.e. bring her home, or whatever).

* You "hook" the set when you get their attention and they listen readily to what you have to say. You actually don't need to hook before you isolate. The act of isolation may in fact be your hook point. If you wonder about this one, read my other article about The Only IOI You Will Ever Need.

* Double A, AA = Approach Anxiety, i.e. a totally illogical uneasyness. The cure? Just have fun and mingle.

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