Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wing Rules

Here is a question I get a lot:

"What to do when your friend buts in on the women you're talking to?"

The answer is really quite simple. Talk to your friend about it, preferably before you go out and when you're both sober.

Here's what I'd do, step by step:
  1. Tell him what you do not like
  2. Tell him about the behaviour you want
  3. Tell him what benefits he can expect back
  4. Make sure you come to an aggreement
If the same behavour still ensues, then just dump him. Simply do not contact him again. Or at least don't go out with him.

Another good idea is to have some common rules. Your wing don't even have to know about PU, as long as you aggree about expected behavour in the field.

Some simple wing rules

§1 If something is unclear, just ask.

It's always good to be discrete, though, and thus whispering is a good idea. Not only does it keep the interaction discrete, but it will trigger intrest from the women. Girls are after all suckers for mystery, so this is actually a good way of creating attraction. Keep it short, though. "Who's your target?" is enough.

§2 The one who opens the set, owns the set.

This doesn't mean that you can run around and open all the sets in a room and "own" them. You only own a set you invest in. Still, there should be room for you going to the loo or to the bar. It's not cool to come back and see your wing has taken over your target. However if you're going away for longer, expect the set to become free-for-all unless you clearly say you want a particular girl.

§3 Accept rejection.

If you're clearly rejected, be prepared for the girl going for another man, or even your wing. Accept it. This is not the same as your wing butting in or taking over.

§4 Do not bother your wing.

The most important rule of all. If your wing is one-on-one with a girl, do not bother him. In fact it's probably better to just steer clear of him, maybe except if you see an obstacle, like a cockblock, clearly butting in. Even then it's polite to wait until you're invited into the set.

§5 Even if he's making a fool of himself.

Sometimes it may seem like your wing is making a fool of himself. Let him. It's a learning experience. Just enjoy the show and wait to talk about it until you're home. The only exception is if he's about to get his head kicked in. Then you should of course go get him.

§6 Wait to be included.

If the set is small, it's always polite for the wing not to barge in, and wait to be included into the set.

§7 Talk to obstacles, not your wing's target.

Even if you're included into a set, focus on other people than your wing's target. If you babble away at your wing's target, you're just belittling him. Remember, he invited you to take care of obstacles, and not to become one yourself. Keep it short. Introduce yourself, and find someone else to talk to - preferably an obstacle to your wing.

§8 Good behaviour.

Good wing behaviour is about amping up social proof. You do this by being cool to your friends. Smile and pat your friend on the back if he's one-on-one with a girl, but don't stay. If you're on your way to the bar, ask if he want's a drink.

This is all good behaviour that shows the girl he's talking to that he's got really good friends, thus amping his social proof. Don't worry about seeming beta while doing it. He'll pay back the favour.

§9 Forget about "Accomplishment Intros".

If you're inviting a wing into your set, forget about "Accomplishment Intros" and other bullshit. Usually stuff like that is construed as bragging, or even worse as subtle tooling. Keep it short and humble. Simply tell your set that he's a good friend of yours, and present him to everyone like any normal and polite person would.

Usually it's better to be a normal and even little humble, than acting up and trying to impress people. While you're at it, forget about DHV's too. Instead focus on what you like and want. Take pride in who you are and be confident that you're already good enough.

§10 Don't talk about PU.

This is not a strict rule, but since PU analysis in the field can really kill state, it should be avoided like the plague unless it's just general conversation. Instead focus on having fun.


The important thing here is not to follow these exact rules, but to talk to your wing and come to an aggreement about expected behaviour in the field. Sometimes you have to make compromises, but if your friend's behaviour bother you, and he has no plans of coming to an aggreement with you, then he's probably not much worth keeping either.

If you have wildly diverging views upon field behaviour, it's not cool and it will most likely end with one or both of you getting irritated. The worst case scenario is that you end up as enemies, or end up giving or receiving a beating for being an ass.